VSA Future Writing Workshop FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the class schedule for the Summer Writing Workshop?

   The Summer Writing Workshop is offered in three sessions. Session 1 runs from June 28 to July 14, 2021. Session 2 runs from July 19 to August 4, 2021. Session 3 runs from August 9 – 25, 2021. Students can register for one, both, or all three sessions. 

   The G4 – 5 class meets Mondays and Wednesdays, 07:00 PM – 08:00 PM (EDT). The G6 – 7 class meets Mondays and Wednesdays at 05:00 PM – 06:00 PM (EDT). The Grade 8 – 11 class meets Mondays, 6:30–8:30 PM (EDT).

   Each RW unit spans three weeks and consists of 6 hours of classes. Each unit features an independent curriculum that focuses on honing reading comprehension and literary analysis skills, drafting, writing, and writing original essays, and much more.

What online platform does VSA Future use for class?

   VSA Future uses Zoom video conferencing for its camp classes. Each student will receive a class schedule with Zoom meeting IDs and passwords. VSA Future uses the Waiting Room feature and meeting passwords to ensure student safety.

What software, equipment, and materials will my child need?

   All campers should have access to a computer, laptop, or tablet with video and sound capabilities. VSA Future recommends that students use headphones (with microphone capabilities, when possible) for best sound quality and to focus. Students should have the Zoom app installed. Students should have pencil and paper with them during class to take notes and use as scratch paper. Additional class materials will be emailed to parents as needed.

What are the rules of the virtual classroom?

   Please pay attention to the class, and close other applications and files on the computer. Eating and drinking are discouraged during class. Whenever possible, students should sit alone in a quiet room and wear headphones to help them concentrate. 

   Parents should allow children to learn independently in virtual class without additional help, beyond providing technical assistance when needed. Avoid surrounding sounds and interference; when siblings or family members appear in front of or near the screen, it affects the attention of other students.


What is the ratio of teachers to students?

The class sizes range from 4–8 students per teacher and teaching assistant. VSA Future reserves the right to cancel any class that has fewer than 4 students registered.

How are students placed into classes?

Students are placed in classes according to their Fall 2021 grades. E.g., a student entering 4th grade in Fall 2021 will be placed in the G4–5 class. A student entering 7th grade in Fall 2021 will be placed in the G6–7 class.

Is there homework?

Students are expected to write one essay per week.


How do I register for the Summer Writing Workshop?

Register online at bit.ly/vsa2021rw. When you sign up, you’ll choose which session(s) and which class. After registration, you will receive an email with your invoice.

Can non-New Jersey students sign up for the Summer Writing Workshop?

Yes. Our program is available to all students, regardless of their location.

How does payment work?

After you register, you will receive an invoice with payment instructions via email.

Is there a sibling discount?

Yes. Siblings receive a 5% discount.

Is there a referral bonus?

Yes, if you refer a friend, both you and your friend will receive a $35 referral bonus.

I am unsure if virtual teaching suits my child. Is it possible to attend a virtual class?

Yes. Our spring 2021 virtual classes are currently in progress, and we can arrange trial lessons for prospective campers until June 7, 2021.


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